Zink Signature Series Pro Pak Diaphragm 3 Call Set

Regular price $31.99

This trio of diaphragms includes the Hunter Wallis Signature Series, the Josh Grossenbacher Signature Series and the Matt Morrett Signature series style of reed designs. The Hunter Wallis Signature Series triple-reed W-Cut style call was designed by Turkey Calling Champion Hunter Wallis. This call features a heavy top reed over two thinner reeds. It has a notch in the middle reed making for easier transitions from clear to raspy notes. A great call for woods and calling stages. The Josh Grossenbacher Signature Series call is a triple-reed V-Series style call framed in thin red tape, with all reeds stretched to a tighter tension. The unique V-notched top reed and short-notched under-reed allow for tones ranging from raspy to clear, while the heavier latex gives the option of incredible volume and distance. The Matt Morrett Signature Series call provides a mix of two reeds of prophylactic and one light latex top reed with a special snake tongue cut. With this combo the call is very easy to achieve great rasp and high-end calling.